Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Can I get a 50????

Wow, yesterday was WI day. I got on the scale at my usual 6:00am and thought for sure, I am going to gain this week and I am okay with that considering what I ate last week. I have been pushing really hard at the gym and doing very well!

-3.4, 3.4.....how did I manage that? So there I am, pluggin in my WI into WW and bam....my 50lb star pops up! I have lost 51.1lbs since January 2008. WTF??? seriously?? That's 5 10lb bags of potatoes. Can you imagine carrying that. Next time you are at the grocery store, try and lift 5 ten pound bags of potatoes.....wow. I can't grasp the fact that I used to walk around with that. Amazing!

I don't have much time to right today, but I am very proud of me today!


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