Friday, October 16, 2009

Slippery Slope!

Ever wonder how quickly you can slip into that dreaded old routine? I think for me it would happen far to quickly if I let it. I have not had a very good week in terms of eating. Nothing terrible but a little bit too much and not enough veggies!

I am sitting here watching TV and wishing I was going for a walk. It's 9:47pm, dark, cold and not overly inviting for a walk. My knee is bothering me today too. I think that perhaps I did to many jumping jacks last night....fat girl jumps, next at 11!

I don't regret doing my workout! After going to that event at the Sheraton and eating (hides head and whispers) dessert.....and a gasp is heard from the crowd...I really needed the workout. I felt really yucky and working out helped me feel more like the me I have been for the past few weeks!

So, back to the slippery slope. I think that my chair lift is quickly approaching the top of the slope and I am going to have to refocus to make sure that I don't get off at the top!!!

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